
[see-su] | Finnish (n.) extraordinary determination, courage, and resoluteness in the face of extreme adversity; an action mindset which enables individuals to see beyond their present limitations and into what might be. The ability to keep fighting after most would have quit and to fight with will to win.

Who We Are

Sisu Coaching offers family-centered life-coaching for sustainable growth

Our vision is to empower young people to maximize their most authentic potential.
Our mission is to create a safe space to allow families to seek the growth they desire. By offering tools for living a more authentic version of you. Our focus is in building family value systems that aligns purpose & values to set the path forward to deepen connection. This personalized approach is rooted in trust, honesty, curiosity and acceptance.

Sisu is a working partnership between Coach & Client(s) to create sustainable change. We specialize in parenting & family coaching. Is Sisu Coaching right for you and your family…

Do you go to bed at night thinking, there’s got to be a better way?
Feeling a lack of connection with your loved ones?
Do you struggle to be your best self for your children?
Do you feel like you’ve tried everything you know with little to no results?

Sisu coaching is designed with you in mind.

Why Sisu

Hi, I’m Ileana.
I created Sisu Coaching with a clear message. To serve others to be their best selves. As a child, I had it all figured out. I knew exactly who I was, where I stood on things. I knew my values, set great boundaries, and had a strong sense of self. Somewhere along the line the world turned from black & white to many shades of grey.

As an adult, I ended up compromising on a lot of those things I was pretty good at. Learning how to come back to myself has been a process that feels a sense of returning to a former me. Looking back to my childhood to guide me.

My wish is for young people to learn their values early, accompanied with a supportive family dynamic, so that when faced with adversity they will hold true to their conviction, and not compromise their sense of self. So that in their adulthood, an existential crisis can be averted.

Now being a parent myself, I understand the importance of how my behavior affects my child. The Sisu method incorporates reflective tools, along with intentional learning strategies to create an environment where your children have the ability to feel safe, supported, heard & seen.

Certification. Dedication to Ethics.

Certified by the Jay Shetty Certification School. Participants in the Global Code of Ethics. The Code is the most comprehensive code of ethics for those working in the world of coaching, mentoring, and supervision.

The code is a collective input of five coaching membership bodies who have all share the aspiration for excellence which is expressed in this single unified Code. This Global Code of Ethics frames the practice of the signatory bodies.

As membership bodies, we are committed to maintaining and promoting excellent practice in coaching, mentoring, and supervision, a field that is becoming increasingly professionalized. All our members in their roles as coaches, mentors, supervisors, trainers and/or students as part of their continuing membership, agree to embrace and respect this Code of Ethics, and adhere to elements and principles of this Code of Ethics, within the signatories’ specific governance and the wider context of practice.

Cultivate change through a self-motivated coaching journey

If you’re ready to prioritize your goals/purpose life coaching is for you. Enlisting the help of a life-coach can help on your journey of self-discovery in a non-judgmental, supportive, curious environment. Through life-coaching you may:

  • Gain self- awareness

  • Deepen your intensions

  • Seek your purpose

  • Remove blockages that are hindering your growth

  • Strengthen your intuition

  • Expand your comfort zone